Unser Landgut

New York, USA | 2022 | Wall quilt | 178 x 132 cm | Cotton | Not for sale

Concept by Clara Stoikow | Blocks designed, machine pieced, hand pieced, hand appliquéd and/or hand embroidered by Gabriele Bach, Mechthild Böker-Scharnhölz, Hermine Braun, Linda Evans, Eva Fuchs, Ines Hilsberg, Christiane Klinkenberg, Carola Koubek, Mariola K., Andrea Lang, Patricia Lang, Jana MH, Ricarda Mohr, Annett Pöhl, Lena Postmeier, Daniela Schiffler, Christiane S., Verena Schmitz, Iris Stadler, Noella Stoikow, Constanze T., Ute Zohles and Clara Stoikow | Quilt machine and hand pieced by Clara Stoikow | Machine and hand quilted by Clara Stoikow


Leaving Marks


Black and White Quilt